• Accessibility Services
  • Barrier Report Form
  • Barrier Report Form

    Goucher College is committed to equal access and the civil rights of people with disabilities. We strive to remove barriers to our programs wherever they exist through systematic barrier removal and proper and timely maintenance. If you encounter physical, electronic, or programmatic barriers on the Goucher campus, such as an inoperative elevator, an inaccessible website, a blocked access ramp, or a refusal to make a reasonable accommodation, please help us identify them so we can remove the barriers as quickly as possible and maintain access for everyone.

    To report a barrier, complete and submit the barrier report form below.

    The information you submit through this form goes to the Office of Accessibility Services and FMS. If you are not satisfied with the response to your barrier report or if you want to invoke another procedure, you have two additional options:

    1. If you are a student, you may file an appeal under the Disability Accommodation Appeal Policy for Students (PDF); or
    2. Students and employees may file a complaint under the College’s Policy Against Discrimination & Harassment.

    The following form may be completed anonymously but if you provide contact information we will be better able to respond to your concern. If you have any issues with this form, please email access@garfie1d.com.